Australia has some of the most diverse and potentially dangerous wildlife in the world. Some of them you will encounter when camping in Australia because you will be living amongst them in their natural territory so it’s a matter of time until you are in contact with them. Things that bite and travelling around Australia go hand in hand.
Some people are scared of spiders, sharks, snakes, insects, crocodiles, wombats and even echidnas! A friend of ours from India a few years ago thought echidnas defended themselves by shooting out their spikes! He stayed right away from them.
Most wild animals aren’t interested in hurting people. Being aware and taking a few precautions will help if you want to minimize contact. The best way keep safe from them is to try and stay away from them. Most snake bites that happen in Australia are from people trying to kill the snake or when people stand on the snake. Snakes will usually feel your presence and hide or move away to avoid contact.
Follow this link to read up on the best method for treating snakebite. Paradise First Aid is a Registered Training Organisation that offers First Aid Training Courses and supplies. Their snakebite instructions can be downloaded and printed which is a great idea to add to your First Aid Kit.
One of the most deadly snakes in Australia is the King Brown snake. An interesting fact is most times when this snake bites, it doesnt inject any poison into humans. I guess it thinks that people are just too big to digest!
Stay safe while you travel around Australia